En Latin


Oh Glorious Studio Life

Con TEch TEst+ PPT
The Examination will assess the student's achievement of the following objectives:
Test I. Definitions, Explanation and Drawing.
(1) The learner should define "foundation" and explain its purpose.
(2) The learner should be able to contrast shallow and deep foundations.
(3) The learner should be able to draw and label examples of foundations (4 shallow + 1 deep).
(4) The learner should be able to explain the following terms:
(a) Settlement
(b) Differential Settlement
(c) Consolidation
(d) Bearing Capacity
(5) The learner should be able to explain "Why Jamaica is called a concrete country?" Support your discussion with technical information about the causes and how "construction technology" respond to those realities of the region.
Based on the ppt slides CONNECT.PPT, the learner must be able to answer multiple choice questions. These questions can be answered by common sense once you read and grasp the message from the slides. AT LEAST you view the slides in 5 different occasions.
Note: There are only 2 exams in the Tutorial. The other one will be on 23 March 2009.
THE POWERPOINT - Good if you think the Contech lecture is extremely interesting [lol]
Good Luck!

Sketch UP 7 PRO
So i have a copy of SUP 7 PRO [pronounced SOUP]

Slack Music
'Rampin' Shop' - musical poison
Published: Sunday | February 1, 2009 (Original Article)

As a principal of a school of over 1,930 students with approximately 1,000 being boys, I am faced daily with the fact that as a nation, we are rearing our children on garbage in terms of the values that as a society we are passing on to them.
There are some parents who try to counter the effects of this filth that so permeates our society, but it is becoming increasingly difficult when the Government will not censor the filth that portrays itself as entertainment in the audio and visual media.
This belief that music and videos that promote unbridled sexual expression, violence, the debasement of women and disrespect for authority is acceptable, is further reinforced by entertainers and academics who come on talk shows and interview programmes on the television and speak about the right of the people to express themselves in the dancehall space.
I have a feeling that in the same way that Vybz Kartel does not allow his children to listen to his slackness, that many of these academics do not expose their children to this type of entertainment, which they so glibly promote as being acceptable. I cry shame on them, because I am seeing the damage that their endorsement and promotion of such filth is doing to our children.
x-rated lyrics
My outrage has been fuelled by the knowledge that one of Vybz Kartel's songs,Rampin'' Shop, was being voted on FAME FM in its #1 vote for favourite song for the week recently. I will describe this song to you in as decent terms as I conjure, which is very difficult. The song is done by Vbyz Kartel and Spice. It is done as if two lovers were having violent sex and describing in graphic, vulgar, obscene language, how it should be done. The introduction begins by Vybz Kartel introducing himself as, "ah di teacha", with Spice replying, "And ah spice". They then go on to condemn same-sex relationships, and then launch into what can only be described as something which takes place in triple x-rated pornographic movies.
Who is responsible? We must work together to stop enriching people like Vybz Kartel who create filth and are then paid when they release it on the public. The corporate giants in this nation who are promoting such filth need to come into the schools and see what is happening to the minds of the young. Vybz Kartel needs to have his children listen to his songs and analyse them and give him their feedback. Government ministers, such as the minister of education and the prime minister, need to sit and listen to some of these songs and understand the devastating impact they are having on the psyche of the Jamaican children.
students' views
I will now share with you some of the views of some students on this song. Students from seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th and 13th grade gave 115 written responses. All but two of these students describe the song as being disgusting, inappropriate for air play and having a negative impact on their psyche.
Tenth grade - "The song Rampin'' Shop by Vybz Kartel and Spice can be heard everywhere. While walking on the road it is playing in the cars of motorists passing by. The schoolchildren play it every time on their phones. They play it with the expletives, unedited, having no respect for the other passengers on the bus. It is played on the television, radio and the Internet. A song of this manner should not be available to the underage public. It is poisoning the minds of children and should be banned."
"This song is a total disgrace to Jamaica. I hear it every night when they have dances down the road from my house. Vybz Kartel went all out for this song. It is very slack and when I hear it I feel very uncomfortable about my body because of those hard-core lyrics!! Spice is no better! She is a disgrace as a woman and she is no help in how men view us as women. Sex was created by God for marriage. It is special. Kartel makes it seem like a video game!"
"The edited version does not make sense because even with the edited parts out you can know what is there."
"I think I'm becoming addicted to it because it's basically everywhere I go. I know what the lyrics are saying is wrong but it's hard to resist something that's constantly around you."
Thirteenth grade - "Honestly, that song is lewd and disgusting as, not only is it degrading women, but it also reflects the direction in which this country is going. I see children as young as four years old singing that song from beginning to end. That is basically giving the step by step process of how to take part in sex activity."
Ninth grade - "I think that Spice is not setting a good example for her child and a lot of people look up to her. For her to sing a song like Rampin'' Shop shows she has no self-respect and none for her fans. As a mother, she should not be behaving in such a manner."
Eighth grade - "One night I was singing it loud as if I wanted to do what Spice and Vybz Kartel was doing."
Seventh grade - "In my opinion, Rampin'' Shop has a very negative effect on our youths. We have to listen to these sexual lyrics not because we want to, but because it is polluting our communities."
"I have been disturbed by this song. The morals are very unsuitable for young children, teens or even young adults. They have put together the sketel and badman of dancehall and the product? Immorality. I know that Jamaican teens love it because it is very easy to catch on to, but how does this help our young people?"
All I have left to say is this. Until the decent, well-thinking citizens of this nation begin to be outraged and put a stop to this airing of filth, then we have condemned ourselves as a nation doomed for destruction. We are destroying the psyche of our children - our future.
Yea i think its a terrible song and im glad its ben banned from tv and radio.There were a variety of articles mostly in agreement with the ones in the papers.The defense has its argument with points such as free speech, some defend it as culture, some think nothings wrong and some even say its a variation of Kumina(Which happens to be a dance of religious nature).Anyway here it is, I believe my blog has been scarred.
Lyrics (OMG PG-145*)
A di teacha and a spiceEveryman fi ave a gal
and every gal grab a man
man to man,gal to gal thats wrong
Scrawwwnn deemmmmm
(verse 1)
All when a night yuh pussy feel like sunhot(When yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
mek sure yuh know fi wukk and a nuh chat yuh a chat(when yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
Mi cocky longer dan mi knife tell mi weh yuh like yuh waan mi drive or yuh waan fi ride it like a bike?
Well yuh affi ramm it hard di cocky nuffi lie,yuh damage it fi spite not because mi pussy tight
mi put it pon di left and yuh tekk it pon di right
mi nipple dem a rite send it up inna mi tripe
A titty appetite every nipple get a bite
mi man affi go see it mi an him affi go fight
(pre chorus)
caah mi affi wine pon di cocky like this kartel spin mi like a satellite dish
Deal with your breast like mi crushing irish spice i neva love a pussy like this
you a my mister
you a my miss
kill mi wid di cocky
kill mi wid di tightness
and when yuh a come whisper summin like this
i cant stop fucking youuuuuuuuuuu
Cocky nuh plaay(plaay) mi wi brukk yuh back(when yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
Mi wi quint it up two time and pop yuh cock(when yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
Mi wi mekk yuh run out a mi house inna half a frock(when yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
A gal eva ride pon it and gi yuh heart attack?(when yuh come inna mi rampin shop)
Spice a yuh mi love yuh know fi do ur stuff,yuh pussy buff,plus it squeeze like a handcuff
Kartel a yuh mi love see it deh mi cock it up,yuh ramp ruff till mi belly cramp up
The climax began bare sweat a run,hold mi tight spice mi feel like mi a cum


read this...


You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.[Not really lol but what the hell tag me back]

Underworld 3 = Blah
Underworld 3 : Rise of the Lycans